Jasmine & Ethan - Growing Together

I love love LOVE working with couples!

Jasmine and Ethan have made quantum leaps! During our 6 weeks of working together, we have all up-leveled in our understandings of what makes love in coupleship thrive! We’ve covered alot of ground in a short amount of time and it’s the love in the space that does the healing (not me). The more love in the space, the more of the “not-loved” arises to be transformed into love.

In this video, Jasmine and Ethan talk about where they’ve embodied the new understandings of healthy relating and where they’ve lived into a whole new paradigm of intimacy. Their commitments to themselves and each other, to their self-growth and healing, have been tremendously inspiring and I will perpetually be their cheerleader from afar!

In general, helping couples up-level through their blocks to intimacy and into deeper romantic connection is hugely rewarding for everyone involved. It doesn’t take alot of time for the couples I work with to begin seeing huge improvements in their partnership. The rewards are enormous compared to the amount of actual work we put in, especially in the beginning. This makes it a thrilling, inspiring, and energizing experience for me.

When couples come to me, they are often in a space of unconscious codependency. They are quick to blame each other, argue, and project their past wounding into the relationship and onto the other. They are hitting a wall, so to speak, in their ways of relating - getting stuck and looping in the same life-draining patterns. Sometimes, just a helpful nudge towards more awareness is all that’s needed to break the loop get the energy moving again.

Empowering couples with new agreements, new communication tools, and new ways of approaching conflict (within themselves and between each other) is often enough for an accelerated quantum leap towards reclaiming a rewarding, juicy, loving, and stable romantic partnership. After the initial breakthroughs, further refinements and understandings may be desired as the coupleship deepens into more safety and allows for more of “its opposite” to surface for healing.

As love, trust, and safety grows in a partnership, so too does the capacity to welcome and transmute past and present wounding. It can often feel like a painful surprise when this happens - “things were going so well between us, then it all turned upside-down overnight” - but it’s actually a sign that there is more love and safety available - the love and safety is allowing the unhealed wounds to arise and be transformed - this is a good sign!

This is the hallmark of a sacred and alchemical partnership. This is the ebb and flow, the cyclic nature of birth, death, and rebirth, that we must embrace as humans choosing to walk through an evolutionary Soul-healing journey through the beautiful, and sometimes harrowing, landscape of intimate partnership.


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