Jasmine & Ethan - Growing Together
Testimonials Tyler White Testimonials Tyler White

Jasmine & Ethan - Growing Together

During our 6 weeks of working together, we have all up-leveled in our understandings of what makes love in coupleship thrive! We’ve covered alot of ground in a short amount of time and it’s the love in the space that does the healing (not me). The more love in the space, the more of the “not-loved” arises to be transformed into love.

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Sean’s Sobriety Journey with Alcohol & Cannabis
Testimonials Tyler White Testimonials Tyler White

Sean’s Sobriety Journey with Alcohol & Cannabis

Our 3-month container commenced with a fire ceremony where a group of Sean-loving supporters gathered around him. Together, we tossed our intentions into the flames, letting go of what no longer serves us and calling in what we’re ready to embody more of. Ceremonies of this kind speak directly to the subconscious Soul and can support us in manifesting real change in our lives.

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Lance’s Sobriety Journey with Alcohol & Rapé (Hapé)
Testimonials Tyler White Testimonials Tyler White

Lance’s Sobriety Journey with Alcohol & Rapé (Hapé)

When Lance stopped eroding his own boundaries (e.g. using substances against his better judgement), the people around him couldn’t erode his boundaries anymore. By closing the doors of trickery within himself, he closed the doors of trickery with others around him. Over time, his boundaries with himself and his relationships grew stronger.

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