Taming the Dragon

As we are collectively drawn through this choke point like smoke through a chimney flue, it can feel like a cranky, angry, fire-breathing dragon has just woken up within. The friends around us feel on edge. Our partners are confused with our behavior. Even our pets seem to be more aggressive than usual. This isn’t a problem, but an opportunity.

At it’s root, this tremendous energy is life-force itself - something not to be dampened or squashed, but something to be refined, contained and directed towards benevolent and generative pursuits. It’s our work to to tame this beast into serving right action in our lives.

In my work as a Soul Alchemist, it is common to “give the part a new job” so to speak - to bring the deviant or confused part-of-self (Soul part) closer into our sanctuary rather than push it out. With time and patience, we benefit with an increased life-force, intelligence, and self-safety that only comes from shadow work and hard-won integration.

When it comes to archetypal themes and psycho-spiritual progressions, often times my clients and community members ride a similar theme together. It can feel like a “wave” that we’re all experiencing at the same time, myself included. The global collective is often taken along for the shared theme as well whether we know it or not. These collective thematic transitions are potent opportunities to witness our go-to defense strategies rear their ugly heads. It’s also a potent time to discover new ways of navigating the pressure.

During this Fall to Winter 2023 transition, the shared themes have been aggression, blame, separation and war - more specifically from the masculine towards the feminine and the masculine towards itself. Underneath all of these masculine control strategies is fear of change, vulnerability and the unknown.

The recent solar and lunar eclipses and other astrological features have amplified the tension in the masculine.

As masculine stewards, we (women included) are at a point where we must choose to either lean in for repair and drop our devices of war OR polarize further into blame, violence, and separation.

I know which choice I am wanting to take. If we can lean-in and continue to lean-in, we will all benefit. This is a message of hope and encouragement. Hold the tension. Move the emotion. Be patient. Bring your dragon closer into your heart so that you can learn to ride it without getting toasted or toasting others.


Lance’s Sobriety Journey with Alcohol & Rapé (Hapé)


On holding the tension…